+ 27 (0) 21 741 0400 + 27 (0) 21 741 0400   CAREERS@DATAFIN.COM

Make 2023 Your Year to Shine

Over the last few years, we as a nation and world have been in survival mode. We have gone into overdrive to assess, adapt and act on instinct. Having been faced with very real-life threatening circumstances. Medical and financial hardships were felt by so many of the world’s population in something we only imagined in sci-fi movies. COVID! It’s like a swear word these days and one we would rather not talk about. This year after a well-deserved rest, I hope we all were lucky to have, we need to launch ourselves forward with positivity and inner motivation to achieve our goals and aspirations. May it be in our personal lives and professional ones too. Things you can do to kick start the process: Apply for that job you have been dreaming of. Research what your next move should be. Register for your studies you have put off the last year due to the workload. Enforce that structure into your life to create the balance between work and home life. Whatever you have been dreaming or voicing your concerns on in 2022, 2023 is now the time to get moving on making them a reality. Start simple and work your…

May 2022 and a CV Refresh, Bring Positive Waves for your Career!

What a year 2021 has been! From Mandatory Masks and Hand Sanitizers, Lockdowns, Working from Home, Virtual Meetings, Longer Working Hours, Vaccinations, Covid Restrictions, Alcohol Bans, Loadshedding, School Covid Protocols, Industries Crashing to Health Issues for Ourselves and Loved Ones Lost in the fight.   So many challenges and adjustments have been made after last year! We are proving to be far more resilient and stronger than we ever thought imaginable. Having dealt with almost ‘Iconic Zombie Movie’ type scenarios globally, not all has been bad.  Many companies and individuals have flourished and really overcome the worst.  Us ‘Humans’ have become accustomed to terms like Lockdown, Curfews, Loadshedding and ‘Waves’ (not in the oceanic form) and have come out much stronger. Technology has developed and leaped forward many years due to this crisis. We are able to work autonomously at home or under flexible working arrangements which were unheard of before. Life as we know it has evolved. Companies have become used to dealing with these new issues and able to see the bigger scope of things. What challenges they have faced and how to overcome and succeed in the face of fear and adversity. As 2022 is fast approaching…

+ 27 (0) 21 741 0400