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My Reflection on COVID

If there’s one pertinent aspect of the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic, it’s that it has virtually left no person on this planet we call home, untouched in some way, shape or form. Even if you haven’t fallen ill or been an asymptomatic person who has actually had the virus or have had to live under the restrictions of several lockdown levels, you will know someone out there who has. Here at Datafin, one of our own colleagues, Michelle Roberts, is now thankfully on the mend and going through the recovery process after she became infected and was hospitalized. It definitely rings true when they say you don’t really become fully aware of the wrath of this deadly virus, until it hits home. Below is a reflective piece written by Michelle about her personal insight and fighting spirit as she takes it day by day to regain her strength to eventually fill the missing spot in our Recruitment Family. “As I sit in my hospital bed after a week here, with an almost clear mind for what feels like forever I reflect upon what this devastation means to all of us. The lives changed forever; the lives forever altered never…

+ 27 (0) 21 741 0400