Use these 5 tips to help ease youR way through any virtual interview and into your dream job
Interviews have long ago been warped into the virtual realm whether it be ZOOM, MS TEams or a Google Hangout. But as with face-to-face ones, you can still be wracked with nerves. So we have come to your aid to help rock your next digital interview with These 5 tips.
Tip 1 – Dress to impress, avoid colours that may be too bright & be fully dressed
You wouldn’t want your potential employer to catch a sneak peak of your favourite undies. Also maintain a professional dress code and try to avoid colours that may cause a glare for the person on the other side.
Tip 2 – Make your digital first impression count
There are no hands to shake so you almost have to think of it as a “love at first sight” scenario. According to muse.com, you need to give slow, firm nods while you “focus on keeping your eyes on the camera—not on the view from your screen”.
Tip 3 – Don’t just move your lips, engage fully
You are not trying to mimick a statue, you are trying to prove that you are the right person for this job. Try to be conscious of your body language and don’t be afraid to actually talk with your hands but obviously not too much or too over-the-top. You just want to appear interested and show you’re listening.
Tip 4 – Get a good spot which is neat and has good reception
Try to steer clear from sitting on your bed. Try to have a decent background that’s more neutral to give off a professional look.
Tip 5 – Hide your notes
One advantage of a digi interview is you can have your notes without your interviewer being the wiser. Forbes.com states that you can have things like a hard copy of your CV, info about the company and even “questions you want to ask and potential talking points”. But don’t start reading verbatim, just quick glances to help you along.
PS. Don’t forget to smile…
Nothing great was ever achieved without enthusiasm
Ralph Waldo Emerson