Much the same as an unsuspecting virtual virus wreaks havoc on any given workday, sending you and IT techies into an immediate state of panic, so too Covid-19 has swept across the globe and left in its wake many workplaces completely disrupted. I believe this is a time when I take my hat off to tech gurus who often spend countless hours to produce innovative networking tools we now rely on so dearly to remain connected to colleagues, friends and loved ones. These digital tools have helped repurpose our physical offices where we used to gather as a workforce to our living rooms and nooks in our bedrooms which now serve as remote links from where we carry out our jobs. While scientists and doctors work furiously to create a desperately-needed vaccine to help combat the coronavirus, varsity students to seamstresses have used their efforts to design nifty mobile temperature reading apps to screen our schoolkids and protective masks you can wash and re-use for the most vulnerable in society who may not have money to buy one.
Since our prior “normal” reality was warped into lockdown where we have been subjected to restrictions, especially freedom to move about wherever you desired to go, it has given many of us time to do a real introspection of our lives. This has sparked a rethink of how companies conduct business and meetings and coming up with creative ways to retain connections with clients, candidates, customers, and its employees. Inventors and innovators create with intent – whether it be smart devices which help navigate our lives with the simple touch of a button or electric cars (Oh Lord won’t Elon Musk donate me a Tesla) to help save the planet from harmful toxins and emissions. For those of us who are fortunate enough to still have jobs and especially the privilege of working remotely during this precarious time in history – wake up each day with the thought of how valuable that job is and allow that to fuel your actions. Do your tasks with intention. One example may be while remaining professional, to personalise emails more. Think about it, from the Buckingham royals to celebrities to our beloved essential workers, we are all facing the same risks. We share so many common denominators right now. Use this when you send that mail to a client, customer or in our case – our candidates searching for their next career. Express compassion for how they may be coping or opt to do a WhatsApp video call or use some other video conferencing platform to conduct interviews and meetings. The fact that we can truly relate to the struggles each person may be facing with can only offer comfort and is crucial to strengthening the ability to establish and maintain connections when we are meant to remain physically apart.
Remind yourself of why you are doing this job and with that in mind, set small goals for the day and once achieved reward yourself with a good cup of coffee or like some of my colleagues have been doing – have lunch or even work outdoors for a while. Soaking up some sunshine has the added benefit of getting in Vitamin D which also helps protect you against the virus. Many people have been rediscovering their passions outside of work like a love of baking or in my case, writing poems. Why not take advantage of a free online tutorial to brush-up on your Excel skills, the latest version of a programming language or how to prepare for a Google Meet interview. You could even join the latest craze and learn how to make a TikTok video.
Yes, we are called the human race to classify our species, but we have also been racing through the ages overcoming many conflicts and challenges. We cannot allow a pandemic to bring us to a standstill and prevent us from moving forward. Let’s race with renewed passion and purpose.